We encourage family involvement and rely heavily on parents to coach, umpire, rake, set-up, bring snacks and generally support the players and coaches
Coaching provides a great opportunity to contribute to the community and bond with your child. Please contact one of our Directors below if you have any questions or would like to get involved.
All referees are required to be certified, check the website below for upcoming clinics
Clinics | Hockey Alberta | Officials Committee
If you plan to coach, a valid Respect in Sport is required; it is also recommended for all parents. Check the link below for more information.
Respect in Sport - Respect Group Inc. | Harassment + Abuse Online Prevention Training.
Parents are encouraged to reach out to the Millarville Sports Association if they have any inquiries or concerns. The association is volunteer run, but our managers and coaches are available to address any questions parents may have and provide the necessary information or assistance.